Thanks so much to everyone who coughed up hard cash to pay for increased capacity of the Fingal toilet! The total cost of the upgrade was $2702, of which Crag Care paid $596, Andy covered $450, and the rest was community funded - so this was an amazing collaborative effort! The four poo receptacles have been delivered to their new home and are settling in happily. Big thanks to Simon Zelestis, Vicky Wilkinson and Andrew Martin who did the legwork to make this happen. Give them a hi-five when you see them next.
Some of you might remember that Andy has decided to trial seasonal camping to cope with the increase in visitors over the summer. The Fingal campground and toilet will be closed from 1st November 2021 through to Easter (15th April) 2022. When Easter rolls around, we’ll likely have an epic climbing/working bee weekend to get the place ship-shape for send season. Please spread the word and thanks again for all your support!